4.3 Sets


  • unordered collection of distinct instances (all the same type)
  • no repeated values
  • only stores individual elements, not key-value pairs


if let is used → set is immutable (cannot change/add to it)

// declaration - create/init with 0 value
var set1 = Set<string>()

// create and initialize with initial values
var set2: Set = ["apples","oranges", "straw"]

Add & Remove Items

// add items

// remove items

// remove all items
set3 = []
  • when removing, if an item isn’t present, then nil is returned

Iterating Over Items

// -> apples, straw
for fruit in set2 {


// count set objects -> 2

// count instances in a set - requires NSCountedSet
var NSSet1 = NSCountedSet()
NSSet1 = ["apples","oranges", "straw"]

// -> 3
// -> 2
NSSet1.count(for: "apples")
  • count → always return the size of the set
  • NSCountedSet shows adds/deletions
  • Apples → still appears just once in the set

Fundamental Set Operations

// referencing / contains -> true
let hasItem = set2.contains("apples")

// combining sets (dups are removed) -> apples, straw
set3 = set1.union(set2)

// returning duplicates (intersect) -> apples
let set4 = set1.intersection(set2)

// subtract out values -> straw
let set5 = set2.subtracting(set1)

// show only differences -> straw
let set6 = set1.symmetricDifference(set2)

Membership & Equality Operations

// are all items unique btwn 2 sets? (t/f) -> false
let isUnique = set1.isDisjoint(with: set2)

// are all 1st set values contained in the 2nd? (t/f) -> true
let isContained = set1.isSubset(of: set2)

// are all 2nd set values contained in the 1st? (t/f) -> false
let isSuper = set1.isSuperset(of: set2)